Call for trustees
Music in the Community is recruiting for trustee roles. We’re looking for committed volunteers who want to make a difference to the lives of people through music and who want to support our friendly team in the governance of the charity.
MIC’s trustees meet quarterly, with a mixture of face-to-face and virtual meetings. Additionally, we run committee meetings quarterly focusing on different areas our charitable activities.
Firstly, we’re looking for a trustee with a background in finance or accounting at a strategic level to join our Board. An understanding of charity finances would be beneficial but is not compulsory.
Secondly, we’re looking to recruit a young Trustee (aged 25 or under) who has the confidence to sit on a charitable board and add value to it. This is a great starting opportunity for someone looking to develop their skills in strategic planning, governance, and the voluntary sector. The aim of this new role is to help give young people a voice in the strategic direction of Music in the Community.
Other trustee roles are also available.
All roles are voluntary and unremunerated, but expenses are paid.
If a trustee role with MIC is of interest, we’d like to hear from you. For an informal chat about the roles and the application process, please send an email to roger@musicincommunity.org and we will contact you with further information.
Job description and person specification attached
We believe that music within communities brings about a positive, long-lasting and life-changing experience. That is why music in the community actively works with people in Edinburgh to facilitate live music experiences.
Music in the community supports everyone involved in music in Edinburgh, whether you are an artist, someone new and looking to get into music and performance, a sound or lighting person, a community venue looking to run gigs, or an individual looking to attend musical events. We strongly believe that time, energy and finance now needs to be invested back into local communities. With renewed resources they can begin to operate, as society emerges from the pandemic, by supporting and staging ‘live’ music events for local, new and up and coming talented musicians and performers. These are people who are the most financially distanced with the least media exposure and start-up opportunities in comparison to the music industry’s established acts and artists.

Our why
Music in the community actively works with people in Edinburgh to facilitate live music experiences. Music breaks down barriers between people and cultures. It enables people to take part in social activities that build confidence, skills and breaks down loneliness and isolation. Furthermore, it is through music that these communities will be able to express their feelings, worries, hopes and dreams about their present lives, and what the future will bring to them.

The support
Music in the Community supports and enhances:
Opportunities for individuals to recognise, develop and use their talents, skills and abilities to enhance their employability and develop individual and collective skills in music creation, performance, production, arrangement, engineering, management and promotions.
Equality of opportunity, maintaining social cohesion, building social capital and minimising social exclusion for culturally and linguistically diverse Edinburgh-based people.
Skills for work.
​Sense of belonging.
Volunteering opportunities in the community.
Health and Wellbeing improvements.

Our Board of Directors
Our board of directors are all members of Music In the Community, elected on to the board by other members. Each member is elected for a three-year period, with one-third of the board stepping down each year, allowing us to keep a yearly board election.
We currently have 4 dedicated board members, actively involved in the many aspects of the organisation. Our board control the overall policy of the organisation makes sure it is financially sound and steers the activities of the organisation.